It’s been a full month since the release of Apple’s iOS 14 system. As the largest update in the history of Apple’s iOS operating system, the newly added and changed features in iOS 14 can almost be described as “dazzling”. What improvements and features have been added to the system, basically like writing a user manual for iPhone 11, writing an “update guide”, so you probably haven’t fully figured out the new and improved features in iOS 14 , However, according to the master of the game player, in addition to the function improvements that require a book to write clearly in iOS 14, in fact, there are also several very important functions that are ignored by many people. Let’s come together. Learn about.

Set your default email or web browser
One of the most impressive features in iOS 14 is that you can set y ... Read more »

Category: News | Views: 366 | Added by: tsedee0710 | Date: 2021-01-27 | Comments (0)

Everyone has the love of beauty, regardless of men and women, in order to make their face more perfect, it is hard to toss about. However, if there is a misunderstanding of beauty and skin care, it will be nothing at all, and it will be close to “disfigurement.” It shows how important it is to master the correct knowledge of skin care!

  1. Skin care

Skin care is the most basic and critical part. Basic maintenance includes a trilogy of cleansing, moisturizing, and sun protection, which is also the daily facial care routine for most people.

Under normal circumstances, clean your face once or twice a day. Excessive cleansing of the skin will wash away the protective film of facial oil, but it will stimulate the sebaceous glands to secrete more oil, which will make the pores larger and the skin more and more sensit ... Read more »

Category: News | Views: 333 | Added by: tsedee0710 | Date: 2021-01-27 | Comments (0)

Windows XP: This used to be the best, most popular, and most acclaimed system in the history of Microsoft. Although the XP system has very low requirements for computer configuration, basically all computers now support the installation of this system. It is too old. In April-May 2014, Microsoft officially stopped providing technical support and vulnerability patch updates for the XP system, and XP was basically eliminated. And 32-bit XP does not support 4GB of memory, does not support AHCI hard disk mode, does not support Direct10 or Direct11, and there are many that do not support it, which is not listed here, so it is definitely not recommended. (But for computers with very low configuration and very old, installing XP is still a very practical choice, because after all, the XP system occupies very low memory, which can ensure that these low-configuration old computers ru ... Read more »

Category: Technology | Views: 1301 | Added by: tsedee0710 | Date: 2021-01-27 | Comments (0)