1:55 PM
Which one should I use for XP, win7, win8, or win10? How does the computer choose the system? Little computer maker!

Windows XP: This used to be the best, most popular, and most acclaimed system in the history of Microsoft. Although the XP system has very low requirements for computer configuration, basically all computers now support the installation of this system. It is too old. In April-May 2014, Microsoft officially stopped providing technical support and vulnerability patch updates for the XP system, and XP was basically eliminated. And 32-bit XP does not support 4GB of memory, does not support AHCI hard disk mode, does not support Direct10 or Direct11, and there are many that do not support it, which is not listed here, so it is definitely not recommended. (But for computers with very low configuration and very old, installing XP is still a very practical choice, because after all, the XP system occupies very low memory, which can ensure that these low-configuration old computers run smoothly.)

Win7-32-bit system: Requirements for the configuration of the computer: CPU single-core Pentium 4 or higher is good, but the best is a dual-core or higher CPU (as long as the dual-core is sufficient) and at least 2GB or more of memory. Although the system supports AHCI hard disk mode and supports Direct10 or Direct11, this system only supports up to 3.25GB of memory. Obviously installing this system will not be able to play the best performance of a computer with 4GB or more than 4GB of memory. (If the computer has a CPU Pentium 4 or higher, memory: between 1GB-3GB, it is recommended to choose Windows7-32 bit)

Win7-64-bit system: Requirements for computer configuration: a dual-core or more CPU (as long as it meets dual-core) and at least 4GB or more of memory. This system is the best system in the current Windows system, the most mainstream system, the game compatibility is good, there is a compatibility option in the “Properties” column, which can be set to be backward compatible with a variety of low-level systems, and supports the operation of virtual DOS programs , You can run DOS-era games virtually, which greatly improves the compatibility of this system; perfectly supports 4GB and above memory, and can support up to 128GB of memory; supports AHCI hard disk mode; supports Direct10, and up to the latest Direct11; At present, most mainstream software and hardware manufacturers support this system and mainly develop corresponding software for this system. Win7 is even hailed as the next WinXP-style legend. (If your computer configuration meets the requirements of a dual-core or higher CPU (as long as it meets the dual-core) and at least 4GB or more of memory requirements, it is recommended to install Win7-64-bit flagship system)

Windows 8-32-bit and Windows 8-64-bit. Win8 is a system designed by Microsoft for tablet PCs and touch-screen devices: its requirements for computer configuration are basically the same as Win7-32-bit and 64-bit, and even It can be slightly lower than the configuration required by the Win7 system. However, the reputation of this system was not high at the beginning of the market. The fate of win8 is the same as Vista, and it will soon withdraw from the stage of history. Microsoft no longer provides support.

Windows 8.1-32-bit, Windows 8.1-64-bit, Windows 8.1 is after Microsoft launched Windows 8 in October 2012, Microsoft started to develop an update package for Windows 8, which is an improved version of Win8, and its requirements for computer configuration Basically the same as Win8-32-bit and 64-bit. In the project code-named “Blue”, Microsoft will standardize operating system upgrades in order to provide users with more regular upgrades. Windows 8.1 has the effect of connecting the previous and the next, paving the way for the future of Windows9, but in the end win9 is not called win9, but directly called win10. Win8.1-64 bit, I feel the performance is acceptable, much better than Win8, but the disadvantage is: the software compatibility is still poor.

Win10 can actually be regarded as a fusion upgrade version of Win7 and Win8. Win10 solves the embarrassment that Win8 does not have a start menu. The returned start menu is very similar to Win7. It has been improved and upgraded, and patch functions have been added. In addition, the Win10 interface incorporates the exquisite features of Win8, and still maintains the start screen interface, which can be easily used on touch devices or tablets. In addition, Win10 also uses a new compression technology, which is more space-saving than Win7. In addition, Win10 also has the latest directx 12 built-in, which can bring a better gaming experience. However, Win10 is a new generation system, and the compatibility of many software and games, including DirectX 12 support, still needs to wait for Microsoft and game manufacturers to optimize and improve. In general, Win10 is better than the previous system, but Win10 may be in the early stage. There are many compatibility issues, I suggest you be patient and so on. In time, win10 will definitely become a classic like xp and win7.

Finally, the advice given by Xiaojiang is this. Old computers continue to use xp, most computers use win7, new computers can use win10, win7 and win8.1 computers can wait about half a year to upgrade to win10 (of course, it has been upgraded and very If it is stable, just use win10 directly).

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